SMS or text messages have been around since 1992, ever since the first message was sent. It’s barely changed at all since then in the way we use it, the basics are still the same. And it’s still more popular than ever, especially for businesses!
In this blog, we are going to tell you how Bulk SMS services can help your business and become a powerful tool of communication with your clients. Text messages have overtaken the use of direct calling and yet still provide a 2-way personal communication mode. According to the sources, 90% of the text messages are opened and read within 3 minutes. This kind of attention to marketing matter is nothing but gold dust to businesses.
As a marketing tool in today’s world, SMS has really grown in stature. In recent years most businesses have reached out to SMS marketing agencies to optimize SMS campaigns as a service tool.
Using SMS marketing services for your business can help to:
So let’s dive into our 5 reasons you should start using Bulk SMS services for your business.
1.Immediate Results
As far as delivery goes, SMS is super quick, and it’s also efficient – takes only a few seconds to reach a vast audience.2. Immediate results
You can instantly see those who have received it, along with the other analytical data such as those who have opened it, read it and of course, the important one, which is those who have responded to your call-to-action.
2.Customer Service
As it’s directly sent to every individual client, SMS is a very personal message. Nowadays, mobile phones are very personal devices, so people will often respond with more personal immediacy. Once you have your customer’s contact number, it’s most likely that they will be responsive to your messaging because they invited you in.
3. Cost-effective
Bulk SMS services are cheap as compared to other marketing mediums. No other marketing method provides such affordable results, especially if compared with traditional marketing methods, such as TV, radio or print media.
4. Simple and easy
Due to its simplicity and amazing reach, SMS services have become a globally adopted communication channel. Everyone knows how to open, read and draft a message. Moreover, it’s great that there is a limitation in length (160 characters), messages are small, direct, concise, and go straight to the point. And who doesn’t like it crisp & simple?
5. SMS vs Email
SMS text messages have a way higher “open rate” than email. Plus, with email, you could be sending your emails to clients that assigned your name to the junk box. If your text messages aren’t delivered, then there is feedback on that through the particular medium.
Emails, of course, have their place and are still extremely effective in communicating with customers, as people say, “the money is in the list!”. But SMS is actually way quicker, and safer overall.