Website Audit

Is your Website generating enough traffic?

What is a Website Audit?


Website audit services consists of a full analysis of everything related to your website’s level of presentability & search visibility. A complete and detailed audit will give you a deeper understanding as to why your site is not generating the traffic you think it should or why your sales and conversions are not improving.

At Krono we provide you a detailed website analysis of every item that is affecting your website’s Presentability and Visibility. We help you read the overall analysis of your website.

We examine your site with tools and our eyes utilizing our knowledge and expertise to tell you what is good and what is not so good about your site (or as we say – where you have challenges and opportunities).

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*  Most visitors turn away if the website is not responsive

*  Visitors seeing something unexpected and unrelated to what they came for.

*  Making visitors dig for what they came for with content that’s not skimmable.

*  Filling your landing with poor grammar and terrible spelling mistakes

*  Producing a lot of low quality content that’s hard to understand

*  Poor Design, bad fonts & wrong use of colours

*  Chat window missing

*  Lots of links to other websites

Why does your company need an Audit?

A well done website audit will give a business owner a great starting point to improve their online presence. It will include all of the current issues the website is facing that is preventing it from doing as well as it could and also a complete assessment of what the business owner can do to improve the areas that are lacking.

  1. Technical Audit – making sure your site is well coded and runs fast
  2. On-site Audit – full review and analysis of all pages for proper keyword use in all pertinent areas (title tags, content etc.)
  3. Off-site Audit – analysis of back links (an incoming hyperlink from one web page to another website) and anchor text (hyperlink) and authority and trust
  4. Social Audit – review current mentions and visibility
  5. Live chat window
  6. Enquiry Forms
  7. Microsites Built-in

Once a client implements the suggestions – they should begin to see a positive impact to their online business, it can take several months to see the full impact these changes will have.  The ultimate goal of any good audit will be the following:

So, if you are ready to get a comprehensive audit done for your website – make sure you do your research with Krono who provides more than just an automated report. This investment could be the next step to helping grow your business!